Help / Loans Convenience PayA quick and secure way to make a loan payment with funds from another financial institution using your checking account, or a Visa®, Discover® or Mastercard® debit card. Payments can be made for the following types of loans:Car loansHome equity loans and lines of creditPersonal loans and lines of creditBusiness loansAll Virgina Credit Union credit cardsLoans & lines of credit covered under the Military Lending Act (MLA)Get startedHow to use Convenience PayEnter the loan number?, zip code and primary borrower's date of birth; select the type of loan; and then click Submit to access the payment center. For business loans, enter the business' date of formation/registration in the 'date of birth' field. When making credit card payments, the last 8 digits of the card will be needed, so have your credit card handy.Review your bill information; select your payment method, and then click Submit.Enter your banking and payment information, and then click Continue.Verify your payment information, accept terms and conditions (including the service fee), and click Confirm. If you need to modify your payment information, click Modify.Choose whether or not you want the payment center to retain your payment account information for future payments.Print your payment confirmation and you're done!Please note the followingEnsure you are paying at least the scheduled payment amount as outlined on your billing statement.A $4.95 convenience fee for each loan payment will be automatically added to the loan payment that is made online using this secure form.Payments can be made for any amount between $5 and $10,000 but not to exceed $200 over the amount due.Payments completed before 6 pm will be credited to your loan that day and those made after 6 pm will be posted the next business day. Please account for this processing time when scheduling your payment to avoid late charges.Recurring loan payments can not be made through this service.If a transaction made with a debit card is reversed for any reason, the loan payment will also be reversed and subject to a return item fee.If your loan is set up for Autopay, that system will still run even if you use Convenience Pay.At this time loan payoffs and mortgage payments cannot be made through this service. If your payment is past due, please call Member Services at 804-323-6800 to ensure your account is credited appropriately.