Have money automatically deducted from your pay for credit union deposits. If your employer participates in this service, you can have part or all of your pay sent to your various credit union accounts.Payroll deduction benefitsConvenientEasier to save regularly to your account and children’s accountsHow to sign up for payroll deductionIf your employer participates in this service, ask your payroll office for a form or print and complete the appropriate payroll deduction form.Tip: You can get a discount on many new loans when you repay through payroll deduction.FAQsCan anyone use payroll deduction?You can use payroll deduction only if your employer participates in this service. Ask your payroll office about availability of payroll deduction, or contact Member Services at 804-323-6800 or 800-285-6609 to ask if your employer participates in it.What’s the fastest way to start a payroll deduction?The fastest way to get your deduction started is to deal directly with your payroll office. Give your payroll office two completed and signed payroll deduction forms (the Employer/Payroll Office copy and the Credit Union copy). You may want to keep a third copy for yourself.Once I sign up, how soon will my payroll deduction start?It will vary based on the employer. Ask your payroll office when you can expect your deduction to begin.My loan has been paid off. Why does the payroll deduction continue and where is the money going?When you started your payroll deduction, you chose an account (checking or savings) to place your funds in so the credit union could get your payments. Your payroll deduction continues to be placed in that account, even after the loan is paid off, until you authorize your payroll office to stop it. Continuing the deduction is a good way to build your savings.How do I change or cancel my existing payroll deduction amount?Complete and submit a new payroll deduction form to your payroll office. At the top of the form, check one of the following boxes depending on what you want to do:NEW (only if you're signing up for payroll deduction for the first time)CHANGE (to change the TOTAL amount being deducted from your pay)CANCELLATION (to stop ALL your deductions)REDISTRIBUTION (to keep the same TOTAL amount being deducted from your pay but make changes in the various amounts going to your different accounts)Your instructions on the new form will replace your existing authorization. Be sure to re-list all deposit and payment amounts you wish to continue. If you leave them off, they will be dropped.