What is the best way to find open positions with VACU?You can view all current open positions here.How can the Job Search Agent help me?VACU’s Careers section offers applicants the ability to search for open positions around the clock. When you create a Job Search Agent with details of your job characteristics, you will be sent an email each time an open position meets your criteria.Will my application be considered for future vacancies?Your application will be considered only for the position for which you apply. We ask that a separate application be submitted for each position.What is the best way to submit my résumé?In order to be considered for a position you must complete and submit an application. When you submit your application online, you can upload your résumé at that time.Will I be notified that my application was received?When you submit your online application you will receive immediate confirmation as well as verification sent by email.What is the application process?When your application is received, human resource recruiters will determine if you meet the minimum requirements for the position. If so, your application will be forwarded to the hiring manager. If your application is no longer being considered, you will receive notification by email or by letter.Will I be notified if I am not selected for an interview or when the position is filled?Yes, you will be notified by email or by letter if you are not selected for an interview.